
Friday 12 October 2012

Storyline idea 1

Our first idea which the group is a demented story about a boy who has been living out a worldwide apocalypse (something like a deadly virus outbreak that made all life cease to exist. Of course with some survivors, for example him)

The film starts of with a (romantic) montage where a guy has developed a close relationship with a girl within science lessons, (the boy could throw a paper ball at her saying something cheeky, this shows the main character and the girl's relationship.) The montage ends when the boy and girl are at the back of the class getting along when she leans in to kiss the main character's cheek.

Just before her lips reaches his cheek the scene changes, the next scene begins with the same person, in worn out clothing, more roughed up waking up. He doesn't realize it was a dream so goes in search of the girl in his dream, we know this because in his hand he has a scrunched up photo of the girl that was in the dream. (The back story of that is she was his high school lover)

Whist the main protagonist is searching different classes another survivor was coincidentally exploring the school and runs into a classroom with the main character hugging his lover.
The survivor asks: 'Are you okay sir?? Are you alive?'
The main character turns around and the girl he was hugging was actually a skeleton. He stands there guarding the skeleton who he still things is his sweetheart.

The survivor with gun pointing at the main character asks him again:
'Sir, are you alive or are you one of them?!'
The main character grabs the weapon still guarding the skeleton
He charges at the survivor, and the film ends with a shot of the survivor closing his eyes
And then a gunshot sound.

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