
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Continuity exercise in class

During one of our media lessons our group and the rest of the class where involved in a continutiy excercise to demonstrate power and status, and we had to show this within a 30 second clip. This excercise was a success and benefitted our group because we had a very short time frame to present and finish filming and editing this exercise which we completed. Resulting this our group realised that we can film in much quicker time scales and can represent people walking across rooms to have power and status through a range of extreme camera angles such as low angle shots for instance. Furthermore, we understood that if we had a range of shots already planned for a specific scene then the likelihood of the scene being completed quicker is of higher possibility as shown in this exercise. We also gained an insight into what shots are most useful to represent people as either inferior or dominant within the frame of the shot.

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