
Thursday 4 October 2012


In our story various phone call scenes take place containing the protagonist and the villain. Me and my partner found Scream to be a useful counterpart in aiding us into how we could do this effectively. We found ways into how we could show emotions of the character due to the words that where said on the other end of the phone, and also found the camera shots that would be useful to show this. Scream furthermore, showed us how to we could the audience can hear the words that are being said on the other end of the phone and backing sound which adds more feeling to whats being said and adds to the tension in what the protagonist is feeling. This movie further illustrated the voice of the other person on the phone, which was very deep and manipulative. Me and my partner knew by having a deep voice it would add the intimidation of the gangsta and would show the power the gangsta has over his enemies, making the protagonist seem vulnerable, which is the effect we are trying to portray.

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