
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Decision on storyline

Down to a long and hard discussion the group have decided to go with a storyline that differs from the ideas in other posts. We have decided to go with a storyline where two main gangsters are present and there quest is to find the protagonist who has taken a prized possession from them. The hero has a quest for freedom however he keeps getting hassled by these gangsters as they have found out that he has taken the money from a room where he used to work for them. The protagonist also has a girlfriend who he needs to protect from these gangsters due to the fact that if they don't get what they want they are going to kidnap his girlfriend. Then, one day we whiles on their way out his girlfriend gets taken away while the protagonist has forgotten something. He then travels around the city in his quest to find his girlfriend, until he bumps in to one of these gangsters and gets beaten up and taken away. He gets battered and bruised while his girlfriend watches in a private areas but gets away when the gangster gets a phone call and takes his girlfriend with him. The protagonist still has the package from the gangsters .... until one day he wakes up and finds that the money and his girlfriend are gone. The reason why we have used this storyline is because it is very broad and we can use various amounts of shots to show power,status and meaning with a storyline like this.

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