
Friday 5 October 2012

New Kit Vs Old Kit

This is the one of the new pieces of equipment that our group may be using when we start shooting our new film. In one of our media lessons we where introduce to this tripod that is used for the Canon T05 7D camera, which our group may be using for some parts of the shooting during our film production. The advantage this piece of kit will have towards our group is that it will keep the camera stable and secure, and with the addition of moving about in certain angels to create effective camera angels. 
 In comparison with our old tripod of last year this new tripod above is much more useful as its considerable heavier than the tripod from last year (on the right). This allows the camera to be much more stable in windy conditions during filming. The new tripod can be adjust to higher heights than the previous tripod from last year and can reach lower levels on the ground as well allow high and low angle shots to be generated much easier than last year. However the downfall with the new tripod we are using this year is that it is considerably bigger in size making it impractical to move about during shots and to locations because of its size and weight where as this wasn't a difficulty with the old piece of equipment. 

Here is the mono-pod. The mono-pod is a piece of kit that has been implemented in our media department over the past year. This kit will be very useful for getting shots from high-angles, as the mono-pod can extend higher than most pieces of equipment used in the media. Furthermore, this piece of equipment can be useful for over the shoulder shots when people are walking as you can obtain much more stable movements whilst walking with the mono-pod, whereas last year we was restricted from this piece of equipment and had to use the camera handheld which created a much more agitated shot.

Following on from this, this piece of the equipment was introduced to our media group last year when we was doing our first short two minute film. We didn't use this piece of equipment as we found it very confusing, but with a demonstration from our media teacher the group feels this piece of kit can be useful. The reason for this, is that it can create very still movements of when someone is walking as this piece of equipment attaches to your shoulders, enabling walking movements to take place or jerky movements; for example someone being chased.

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