
Monday 15 October 2012


The term 'Genre' relates to the categorising of a product especially a product of media i.e Music,Film or Books. They are put into these categories due to their conventions and characteristics and placed in a particular category because of the characteristics that media product has displayed. For example a film that were to have a substantial amount of eerie music and ghosts/apparitions appearing would fall into the genre of 'Horror'. This is due to other films carrying the same traits of that particular were also dubbed as a 'Horror' movie. A flm or media production will be put into a genre through what it contains and what that can be associated with, if a film were to have a killing but the audience do not know who the killer is, that film would be associated with the 'Mystery' genre.

Knowing this, we used it to our advantage as our understanding for genre enabled us to implement certain characteristics and traits from other films to incorparate in our own production, knowing the associations that will be made when the audeience view it. For example we wanted to give our audience the sense of urgency that our character was feeling, therefore we included a kidnapping and some dynamic camera movements to encapsulate the audience in the action of our media production, trying to imitate that of what would be expected in a feature film 'Thriller'.

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