
Monday 12 November 2012

Split screen and Inspiration behind it

The use of split screen in our media production was to show what the couple within our production is going through despite them being in two different places. As we knew our audience is that of a younger generation we decided that this was the best way to ensure we had ensnared their attention as the split screen and camera shots almost replicate those found in music videos our audience are exposed to.

In 500 days of summer split screen is used to show two different instances although in the same setting, we thought this to be an interesting element to have so we decided upon a way we could create our own rendition of this and came up with split screening a scene to create the unsettling feeling of anxiety and panic between the couple although they are in two different locations.

What had inspired us to do this was 2006 film Kidulthood, we thought that the way they managed to expose the audience to what is happening with both groups of people was highly effective even though both groups were not near each other.
We decided we would include our own rendition of this in our media production as it would retain the attention of viewers as well as giving them further insight into the action of the scene.

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