
Saturday 3 November 2012

Schedule problems

Problems between us group members and our timetables:

Some problems we had faced was the difficulty of shooting times, as our timetables were not completely the same, there would be times where Kingsley would have free periods, where I would have lessons.
To over come this problem we agreed that during times when all of us or at least 1 of us have a free period  we can shoot or edit our footage as tasks where delegated between the group. This was an effective way to keep the progression of our media work constant instead of waiting for opportunities when all of us are available.

Also times when we need to shoot school pupils would be walking around going about their business. This posed the problem of them disrupting the scene either by making noise or walking on to the set. To get passed this we decided to shoot during lesson time, this was when the school was at its most quiet as pupils would be in their classrooms. Although this meant we had an extremely limited amount of time to shoot, this proved to be a learning curve as we are learning to shoot very efficiently in any given amount of time.
Alternatives where also arranged in spite of this and shooting after school was another way  for the group to overcome the restraint of times available to shoot. This also solved the problem of pupils or teachers disrupting production as many of them would have gone home.

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