
Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Evaluation: Target audience feedback

In order to asses whether we had satisfied viewers and produced a media piece that our target audience liked we screened our movie to 2 students in our college and asked them 4 questions about the movie.

We also have recorded their responses on You tube:

1. Did you understand the storyline?

The people that watched our film (Michael and Daniel) said that the movie was understandable and that the story that we tried to portray fitted well with the title of our film and made sense. Even though me and my partner faced some cutting issues our main importance was making the storyline clear enough for people to follow and due to these responses I feel creating a clear storyline has been fulfilled.

2. Do you think that the characters portrayed in the movie represent their role within the film?
Michael and Daniel both understood the character roles that we presented in the movie clearly. Michael had set from the outset of the movie you know what characters are which and which ones have the control within the movie. This is something me and my partner are glad to get a response from as we wanted to make the characters personalities and types shine through the production to make sure that the story would be easier to tell. Daniel had also said the characters we portrayed where characters you would expect to see in typical gangster movies and again this is something our group worked hard on to portray as we used suits and ties and hair that's slick all the back with our main gangster Omed in order to represent this. This was an advancement from last year as we where inexperienced in how to portray characters with meaning but this year due to experience have assessed this aspect of film in much more detail than before

3. What would you improve within the movie 
This question wasn't asked during the video but when i asked after the video had finished Michael and Daniel had both realized some continuity errors within our movie which we couldn't avoid due to time management issues. This has made us aware the timing is key and that we need to make sure in future productions that characters can make it on time and wearing the exact same thing every time they come to shoot. We found this difficult to plan because their is only 2 of us in the group and therefore contact at times with our actors became difficult to obtain, so when characters had to film we had no choice but to do it when they came because we had to get this production finished at a certain time. Nonetheless this has benefited in fact me and partner as we know next time that this issue must be resolved in order to make a better production next time around and understand that planning and communication must be better to ensure this

4. Does this reach the target audience of the 16-24 category?
Michael and Daniel had both said that the production does reach the 16-24 year old category. Their reasons behind this where that because the characters in the movie are around their age group it made it easier to understand their life cycle as they are in the same age bracket as them, so they understand what they are going through. Our group did try to implement a teenage type of lifestyle in this production because me and my partner know the majority of people watching this film will be the 16-24 year olds and thus we had to make a movie in which this age bracket understood to attract their interests. What we have learnt from this is that there are certain characteristics within characters that always have to be addressed in order to met the conventions that this age bracket expect when watching productions.

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