
Saturday 5 January 2013


Dialogue within our media production had to be well thought out, as we wanted the conversation between our characters to give the audience insight into the plans our protagonist has with the stolen money. This dialogue comes in after the flashback showing our protagonist stealing the money. The conversation between the protagonist and his girlfriend should reveal to the audience that they plan to squander this money on leisurely activities.

This conversations introduces the audience to the couple and how they interact with one another, like an actual couple. It shows how the couple have plans for this money our protagonist Miles has 'come into' and plan to go to Spain. The dialogue is effective as it gives a small amount of crucial infomation which allows for the rest of the production to progress and allow the audience to piece together the incidences that amount up to the kidnapping

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This dialogue should give the audience the impression that they are infact an actual couple, the same can be said about the other script too. Our aim was to make the couple seem as believable as possible. Further more making the girlfriend seem un-assuming and unaware of the whole situation.

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